I read two books.
"Sakhalin KIMIN(Deserted people in Sakhalin)"by Oonuma Yasuaki
It is a non-fiction about Korean people who have been left behind in Sakhalin, north of Hokkaido, since the end of WWⅡ. They were taken there forcibly by Japanese from their home town in Korea during the WWⅡ as labourforce. When the War ended, they wished to come back to their home town. But their requests have since then been neglected and refused for about 45 years. For the political situations sorrounding each countries were difficult after the WWⅡ and also Japan lacked a sense of responsibility toward Korean people they took away from Korea for their own purposes.
"Obasan"by Joy Kogawa
It is a novel based on the real story which happened to the Japanese Canadians during the WWⅡ. The first generation of Japanese Canadian immigrated to Canada before the War. And their children's generation, Nisei, have suffered racial discrimination from Canadian government. They were sent to consentration camp during WWⅡ only because they were Japanese, though their nationality was Canadian.
After reading these I felt rather dipressed and sad, thinking that the racial discrimination could happen to any nation in any country.
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